Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger

Therapy with Dr. Krueger is an interactive story game. While the dialog is predetermined, we do have the option to make selections during the testing modes. You get to play as Taylor, a 19-year-old college student who has been selected to be Dr. Krueger’s latest patient, in what he calls ‘Dream Therapy’. Dr. Kuegar who has a degree in Marine Biology, seems to be ill equipped to be a therapist. None the less he will be treating Taylor at a family run mental facility.Taylor is subject to several weird tests, some of which include human body parts. Taylor is being tested on basic math and her listening skills. Will Taylor survive the strange testing?


Unfortunately, it is character locked and we can only control Taylor. The only real control we have over Taylor is choosing test answers. For example, there are inkblot tests and we get to decide what we see in the inkblot. As the basic dialog is predetermined so we just click to continue. Even later in the game when we get a chance to ask the doctor questions, it is still preselected dialog. So, the game kind of plays as a graphic novel.


Dr. Albert Krueger. The anatagonist. Interviewing Taylor. "Albert is a sadistic murderer, as shown through his demeanor throughout the game. He is shown to be an incredibly off-putting and suspicious man. Despite living in G2 his whole life, Krueger attended post-secondary education in the G4 District, studying Marine Biology at RMU"


"Taylor Lee is a rather vulgar and informal, sometimes monotonous, person, as seen throughout the story; they speak very informally in comparison to Krueger, occasionally cursing. They are shown to be a very curious person."

This is our very first look at the Doctor. Taylor has just become conscious. It is unclear how she ended up with Doctor Krueger. She is just as confused as we are. After brief introductions, the doctor tells Taylor they will be doing a series of tests.


The challenge of this game comes with testing. It doesn’t appear to harm you when you answer questions wrong. The doctor is encouraging and urges you to try again. There are no clear objectives. The game just seems to be about talking with the doctor to allow him to study you. There is a ball and cup test scene. We get to click on the cup we think the ball is under. Towards the end, if you get a bad ending. The game tells you to try again. Telling you to listen to the doctor more for a better outcome.

The first of the testing. Answering basic math questions. Getting them right the Doctor just tells you, you did a great job. However, when answering wrong the Doctor doesn't get mad. He will sometimes say "oh so close" or "not quite" Nothing seems to change when you answer multiple in a row wrong. You do get to reanswer if you answer wrong the first time. During the test, one of the cards becomes covered in blood. The doctor quickly replaces it with a new card. When Taylor asks what happened, he ignores her and continues with more math questions.
The inkblot test is by far the hardest of the testing. All of the images are super abstract. They don't seem to look like any of the answer choices. The answer choices are the same on all of the images. You are allowed to flip the ink images over, but the doctor asks you why and you are asked to turn them over. Halfway through the testing, while hovering over the answer choices they start to change. The now flashing answer choices say words in pink lettering such as "murder" and "blood". This is clearly freaking Taylor out and she asks what's going on. Again the doctor just ignores her.
This was the final test. Seemed like some kind of trust test. As the doctor asks Taylor to close her eyes. We the player can control if Taylor opens her eyes or keeps them closed. This is the section where Taylor finally gets to ask the doctor questions. We find out that this is a family business. And the doctor has a degree in marine biology. We also discover that Taylor and the doctor are both from a place called G2. They both attended the same college there. We don't get any further explanation of what or where G2 is in relation to where they are now. If we open Taylor's eyes, the doctor asks if we are okay, and then we close our eyes again. Opening Taylor's eyes multiple times still has the same reaction from the doctor. While our eyes are closed we hear screams in the background.
The doctor tells Taylor the next test is a simple ball and cup test. Which Taylor is okay, saying she has played before. Going into the test she seems fine. Then the doctor reveals that the ball they are actually using is an eyeball. Which the doctor justifies because the patient has agreed to let them use it. (yes, the eyeball blinks) The test starts off easy, he may only move the cup once or twice. Gets faster. No, punishment for wrong answers.
What happened when she first closed her eyes. Just before the questions start. During this time there is a lot of background noise. Lots of screaming. Which Taylor is supposed to ignore. If Taylor opens her eyes the doctor will ask what she is doing. I feel like this is the test that really matters. It's the only test where you are actually having a conversation with the doctor and not being interviewed. I'm theorizing that as long as you listen during this trust exercise you'll be fine.
The world inside the game is called G2. We learn that both Taylor and Dr. Krueger are from G2 and went to similar colleges.
So, after losing the game. Taylor is torn apart, and Taylor is thanked for her contribution. Which is just her ograns.
The punishment for not listening to Dr. Krueger. Taylor is torn apart by some type of androids. And prompts us to play again, but this time listening to the Doctor more. Taylor also doesnt' technically die as she comments on her torn apart state. There are apparently several endings. I just got the bad one. So, while getting the test answers wrong doesn't negatively affect Taylor instantly, it affects the overall game.
At the very end of the game whether your ending is good or bad you get to rate the experience. However, it doesn't really matter what you pick because it is automatically changed to a postive ranking.

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