
Website Development

As a total beginner to website development, I faced several learning curves. It is not an easy task. There are so many steps. Going into this I thought one thousand percent that I was going to prefer WordPress over Github. The more I fidgeted with WordPress the more I hate it. I feel very confined. It’s so much harder to understand, because there is nothing like git status, to help guide you back home. There isn’t a resource like w3schools, that has every possible code imaginable. It took me two hours to add buttons to my website—there were just so many options. And I had fun doing it. WordPress has a premade theme but it’s not the same. WordPress is customizable but not in the ways that GitHub is. WordPress is already its own separate entity, so the sites you make there are never really yours. It’s like customizing your myspace page. Which is fun, but actually inputting code is more rewarding. Another perk to Github is using oxygen. Oxygen is super beginner friendly instantly telling of mistakes in code and how to fix them. When things go wrong in WordPress you just blindly try again. If the goal is to not get into the technical side of coding, then WordPress all the way. However, if the end goal is actually to learn and build a website from the ground up, Github is the way to go!